Pwy ddyry im' falm o Gilead?
Pwy rydd im' falm o Gilead?

(Digonolrwydd haeddiant Grist /
Iachawdwriaeth yn angeu'r groes)

Pwy ddyry im' falm o Gilead,
  Maddeuant pur a hedd,
Nes gwneud i'm henaid edrych
  Heb ofni ar y bedd,
A dianc ar wasgfeuon
  Euogrwydd creulon cry'?
'D oes neb ond Ef a hoeliwyd
  Ar fynydd Calfari.

Yn angeu'r groes yn unig
Mae'm iachawdwriaeth lawn,
  Ac am y groes mi ganaf
O foreu hyd brydnawn:
'D oes ond yr aberth hwnw
  Wnaed ar Galfaria fryn,
A'm crea oll o newydd,
  A'm cąna'n berffaith wyn.

Am angeu'r groes
    bydd cānu
  I dragwyddoldeb maith,
Ond im gael teimlo 'i rinwedd,
  'R wyf bron ar ben fy nhaith;
Fy nefoedd yw ei deimlo,
  A'i deimlo 'n union sydd
Yn troi pob rhyw dywyllwch,
  O'm mewn yn oleu ddydd.

- - - - -
(Bendithion y groes)
Pwy rydd i'm falm Gilead,
  Maddeuant llawn a hedd?
Nes gwneyd i'm henaid edrych
  Yn eofn ar y bedd;
A dianc ar wasgfeuon,
  Euogrwydd crealon cry'?
Does neb ond Ef a hoeliwyd
  Ar fynydd Calfari.

Bendithion ar fendithion,
  Trysorau angeu loes,
Grawnsypiau mawrion addfed
  Yn hongian ar y groes;
Yr afon goch lifeiriol
  A darddodd dan ei fron,
Mae miloedd yn myn'd adref
  Yn ngrym yr afon hon.

- - - - -
(Efeithiau marwolaeth y groes - Rhan I/II)
Pwy ddyry im' falm o Gilead,
  Maddeuant pur a hedd,
Nes gwneyd i'm henaid edrych
  Yn ėon ar y bedd,
A dianc ar wasgfeuon
  Euogrwydd creulon cry'?
'D oes neb ond Ef a hoeliwyd
  Ar fynydd Calfari.

Yr hoelion geirwon, celyd,
  Gynt a'i trywanodd E',
Sy'n awr yn dąl y nefoedd
  Gwmpasog yn ei lle:
Mae gobaith meibion dynion
  Yn llifo maes yngyd
Oddi wrth yr awr trywanwyd
  Creawdwr mawr y byd.

Pe unwaith y darfyddai
  Awdurdod Calfari,
Darfyddai pob cysuron
  Ar unwaith genyf fi;
O bawb, yn sicr, byddwn
  Y truenusaf ddyn;
Fe'm llyncai'r bedd dychrynllyd
  Yn fuan iddo'i hun.

Anfeidrol, fyth anfeidrol,
  Drugaredd faith y nef,
Parhād yr holl greadigaeth
  Sy'n gorphwys arno ef:
Griddfanau pen Calfaria,
  "Lama sabachthani,"
Yw'r perlau mwyaf gwerthfawr
  A fedd ein daear ni.

Y baich oedd annoddefol
  I'r cryfa' o ddynolryw,
Orweddodd yn ofnadwy
  Ar ysgwydd gref fy Nuw;
Cyfiawnder oedd yn gofyn
  Am bechod, heb nacād,
Y swm anfeidrol dalwyd
  Trwy eithaf chwys a gwaed.

Y mynydd mawr anfeidrol
  Gymmerodd ef i gyd
Oddi ar ysgwyddau gweinion
  Yr euog, aflan fyd;
Pan welodd y greädigaeth
  I fod y baich mor fawr,
Fe guddiodd nef ei hwyneb,
  Fe grynodd yntau'r llawr.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7676D]:
Bala (Rowland Huw Prichard 1811-87)
Culmstock (<1825)
Dies Dominica (John B Dykes 1823-76)
Jabez (alaw Gymreig)
Llangloffan (alaw Gymreig)
Maelor (<1876)
Mannheim (H L Hassler / J S Bach)
Mount St (J Roberts [Ieuan Gwyllt] 1822-77)

  Rhan I - Pe buasai fil o fydoedd
  Rhan II/III - Anfeidrol fyth anfeidrol
  Rhan III/IV - Gwell ganddo na halogi
  Rhan IV/V - Mae'r fath feddyliau mawrion
  Rhan V - 'N ol edrych ar ol edrych
  Angylion doent yn gyson
  Bechadur gwel e'n sefyll
  Bendithion ar fendithion
  Fy Nhad fy addfwyn Iesu
  Ni fuasai gen(n)yf obaith
  O flaen y fainc rhaid sefyll
  Mi welaf yn ei fywyd
  Yn angeu'r groes yn unig

(The sufficiency of the merit of Christ /
Salvation in the death of the cross)

Who will give me the balm of Gilead,
  Pure forgiveness and peace,
Until making my soul look
  Without fear at the grave,
And escape from the tight places
  Of strong, cruel guilt?
There is no-one but He who was nailed
  On mount Calvary.

In the death of the cross alone
  Is my full salvation,
And about the cross I will sing
  From morning until afternoon:
There is nothing but that sacrifice
  Made on Calvary hill,
Which will create me all anew,
  And bleach me perfectly white.

About the death of the cross
    there will be singing
  To a vast eternity,
But for me to get to feel his merit,
  I am almost at the end of my journey;
My heaven is to feel him,
  And feel him directly who is
Turning every kind of darkness,
  Within me into the light of day.

- - - - -
(The blessings of the cross)
Who will give me the balm o Gilead,
  Full forgiveness and peace?
Until my soul is made to look
  Fearlessly on the grave;
And escape from the constraints
  Of cruel, strong guilt?
There is none but he who was nailed
  On the mountain of Calvary.

Blessings upon blessings,
  The treasures of the throes of death,
Large, mature grape-clusters
  Hanging on the cross;
The streaming red river
  That issued from under his breast,
There are thousands going home
  In the strength of this river.

- - - - -
(The effects of the death of the cross - Part 1/2)
Who will give me the balm of Gilead,
  Pure forgiveness and peace,
Until making my soul look
  Without fear at the grave,
And escape from the tight places
  Of strong, cruel guilt?
There is no-one but He who was nailed
  On mount Calvary.

The rough, hard nails,
  Once pierced Him,
Who now holds the encompassing
  Heavens in their place:
The hope of the sons of men is
  Flowing out together
From the hour the great
  Creator of the world was pierced.

If once the Authority
  Of Calvary perished,
Every comfort I have
  Would perish at once;
Of all, surely, I would be
  The most miserable man;
The horrific grave would swallow me
  Soon into itself.

Immeasurable, forever immeasurable,
  The vast mercy of heaven,
The cause of the whole creation
  Which is resting upon him:
The groans of the summit of Calvary,
  "Lama sabachthani,"
Are the pearls of greatest value
  Which our earth possesses.

The burden which was unbearable
  For the strongest of humankind,
Lay terribly
  On the strong shoulder of my God;
Righteousness was asking
  For sin, without exception,
The immeasurable sum which was paid
  Through extreme sweat and blood.

The great immeasurable mountain
  He took altogether
From the weak shoulders
  Of the guilty, unclean world;
When the creation saw
  That the burden was so great,
Heaven hid its face,
  Whereas the earth trembled.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

Who'll give me balm of Gilead -
  Forgiveness, with its peace?
Then fear of death would vanish,
  My soul would be at ease:
And who can soothe the anguish
  Of guilt and evil will?
I know of none but Jesus,
  Once nailed upon the hill.

- - - - -
Who'll give me balm of Gilead -
  Forgiveness, with its peace?
Then fear of death would vanish,
  My soul would be at ease:
And who can soothe the anguish
  Of guilt and evil will?
I know of none but Jesus,
  Once nailed upon the hill.

- - - - -
Who'll give me balm of Gilead -
  Forgiveness, with its peace?
Then fear of death would vanish,
  My soul would be at ease:
And who can soothe the anguish
  Of guilt and evil will?
I know of none but Jesus,
  Once nailed upon the hill.

Hard were the nails and cruel,
  To pierce that form of grace;
But now they hold the compass
  Of heaven in its place:
The hope of Adam's children
  Flows from that awful hour,
When earth beheld its Maker
  Abused by human power.

If ever the authority
  Of Calvary should fail,
No hope, nor any comfort,
  Would then for me avail:
Most wretched, oh! most wretched
  Would I of all men be:
The dreadful grave would swallow
  My soul, full surely.

Oh! vast, and ever vaster,
  The mercy He made known:
Behold, the wide creation
  Doth last in Him alone:
The moan of that dark mountain--
  Lama sabachthani!
Is now the pearl most precious
  Of any land or sea.

Unbearable the burden
  To man - yea, to the best;
And on my God's own shoulder
  It terribly did rest:
Justice was there demanding
  The price to be made good;
And sin's eternal ransom
  Was paid in sweat and blood.

The vast unmeasured mountain
  Upon Himself He took,
From off the feeble shoulders
  Of guilty man forsook:
When Nature saw the burden
  Of infinite disgrace,
The very earth was shaken,
  And heaven hid its face.
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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